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movement and balance

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the wholebody view on functional movement and balance

Dan works in several comprehensive ways to assist his clients in improving their daily functional movement and balance safety potential. Those opportunities are listed and explained below.


Most of our neuromuscular dysfunction can be attributed to older, no longer useful, deeply held movement patterns. The key to improving these limitations is to change the movement pattern by simply practicing something more efficient and beneficial. Clients are instructed in gentle, yet profoundly effective, movement protocols or exercises. These movement exercises are safe and easy to perform. Everyone can do them. We do not work through any discomfort or pain. “With pain, there’s no gain!”


These protocols are performed while sitting, standing, or lying down. They’re practiced routinely addressing older and no longer beneficial movement patterns which often produce restriction, discomfort and pain. These patterns are frequently the result of previous trauma including surgery but not necessarily. They can be simply the result of moving inefficiently for long periods of time. With practice clients begin to very quickly experience an increase in range of motion and therefore expanded movement function, diminished fatigue and increased daily energy. Commensurate with this experience is often a significant reduction in, or elimination of, neuromuscular discomfort and pain.


The The WholeBody View approach is largely based upon the understanding that due to the incomparable functional intelligence of the human body, everyone, no matter one’s condition, is capable of improving their level of comfort, energy, movement and balance. Everyone! The entire goal from here on out is to remain as safe and functional as possible. To be able to effectively do for yourself. That will, and does, take an understanding of what to do and how to do it. Dan’s movement programs will instruct participants to intelligently and effectively enter into an exercise program with every developing positive results. Committing to a daily practice, 15-20 minutes a day, will produce the results allowing for optimal function. With practice everyone feels better and more functional.


Functional Movement & Balance (FMB) Programs

Live Group FMB Classes (SW Florida)

These classes, with a maximum of 15 participants, are held in community settings on a weekly basis. We will begin gradually and progress at the individual’s comfortable pace. The Functional Movement Protocols will be explored from a sitting position, standing and lying on the floor. (With guidance, I have never had anyone who could not eventually get down and back up from the floor safely and comfortably.) You are encouraged to wear loose and comfortable clothing allowing for freedom of movement. Bring a small pillow for support. Floor mats are provided. These classes are open enrollment. Class Fee: $17.00 per class


Private Hands-On Bodywork Sessions (90 minutes)

Dan, as a hands-on bodywork therapist, will work with private clients while they lie fully clothed on a therapy table. He will introduce, through hands-on “brain mapping” techniques experienced a gentle, rhythmic, not invasive, profoundly relaxing movement protocols. The intent of these protocols as a brain mapping of your neuromuscular system assists the body/ brain in transforming restrictive, dysfunctional, often painful, movement patterns to something more appropriate. Dan will also offer gentle movement protocols specifically for your areas of concern. You are encourage to practice them at home in order to continue the process of becoming more functional. Session Fee: $150.00


Zoom Group FMB Classes (Maximum 6 participants)

Zoom classes, with a maximum of 6 participants, are held either once or twice a week. This depends upon the level of reinforcement you are may need. We work in accordance with individual’s comfortable pace and condition. The Functional Movement Protocols will be explored from a sitting position, standing and lying on the floor. (With guidance, I have never had anyone who could not eventually get down and back up from the floor safely and comfortably.) I never considered conducting these classes on Zoom as I felt I could not be sufficiently effective. The came the pandemic. I began with a group of loyal students and we all became immediately comfortable with the effectiveness of the process. We have class participants from all over the country including Canada. You are encouraged to wear loose and comfortable clothing allowing for freedom of movement. Have a dinning room chair (firm seat and back), a small pillow for support and a comfortable padding beneath you for floor movement protocols. Class Fee: $15.00 per class (1 hour once a week - group) $15.00 per class (1 hour twice a week - group)


Zoom Private FMB Instruction. (One-on-one with Dan)

Private one-on-one Zoom classes are for remote participants who have not have the opportunity to attend a live class and become familiar with its protocols and language. Dan will work with those individuals for several one-on-one private sessions until they become familiar with the process. They then will be able to integrate seamlessly into a current and ongoing Zoom class. Session Fee: $65.00 (1 hour per private Zoom session) 



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